Friday, February 24, 2012

Weekend Outlook (2/24-26/12)

Yesterday, everyone with any sort of meteorological knowledge believed that the system that pushed through here could produce some interesting weather. However, a "cap" remained in place over the atmosphere until early this morning, preventing any storms from firing in our area. That being said, had the cap eroded in time, West Central Alabama could have been faced with severe storms that could have produced damaging winds, hail, lightning, and perhaps an isolated tornado or two... But none of those risks occurred! Now... I do NOT want you to become apathetic towards forecasts. Yes, sometimes we get it wrong... that's weather. Weather changes constantly, and you'll never have a 100% confident understanding of what's going to happen, until it does. Do know that whenever we at UAMS, or other meteorologists, post information introducing the possibility of severe weather, it is not to incite chaos or create fear. We are here to ensure that you and your family are aware of risks  so that you can ensure your family's safety. DO NOT BECOME WEATHER APATHETIC, STAY WEATHER AWARE!

Here is what you can expect this weekend in the Tuscaloosa area:

TEMP: 60*F

TONIGHT (2/24/12)
Overnight low tonight of 35*F. Skies will continue to clear tonight as the previous system makes its way off the eastern seaboard. 

SATURDAY (2/25/12)
Mostly sunny. High of 60*F, low of 40*F. 10% Chance of rain, but I'm fairly confident that we won't see any rain until next week. Nice Saturday to be outside, even though it's a little cooler than the end of the week. 

SUNDAY (2/26/12)
Partly cloudy. High of 62*F, low of 41*F. No chance of rain.

NEXT WEEK (2/27-3/2)
Monday will be another nice day as we continue a warming trend back to where we were Thursday this past week. We could see some showers Tuesday, with the next possibility of severe weather coming in on Wednesday. It's a little far out to be certain; however, the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, OK is watching this system already. We'll let you know closer to time what we think will be the probability of severe weather and timing, so you can be prepared. 

1. Follow us on Twitter for daily weather forecasts for the next day, or for information during severe weather.
2. If you're interested in what's going on during our chases, you can follow our Storm Chaser Twitter.
3. BUY A WEATHER RADIO!!! If you buy one, we will program it for you for FREE so that it will only sound for Tuscaloosa, just email us. These save lives, and don't be surprised if it becomes law to place them in new construction houses.
4. Sign up for this free service where they will call and text you when warnings are issued for your area. TOTALLY FREE. Cell phone or land line phones can be used. 

This coming Sunday (2/26), the National Weather Service will be hosting a workshop at Calvary Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa to give you information on how you can receive warnings/prepare for severe weather, starting at 6pm and lasting until about 8pm. They will also allow you to ask questions and give feedback. This is a great event to attend with Dixie Alley's Spring Storm season beginning March 1st!!!

We now will be streaming live on USTREAM whenever we are out in the field chasing storms! You can watch our feed on our website here

We have had a recent EXPLOSION in membership on campus! Us old timers are ecstatic to see new people getting involved who will carry the torch once we're gone. 

Have a FANTASTIC weekend, everyone!

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